Jan 4, 2012

400 Followers Giveaway

This is yet another givewaway! As you can see, I love making them. Here it goes:

Urban Dreams

One of you will get the chance to win one book listed below...

Mythos Academy

Open from JAN.4 to JAN.17

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i fell in love with paris, from the book anna and the french kiss by stephanie perkins. the way she described everything, i could close my eyes and be there,
    thanks for the giveaway

  2. Thanks for the chance to win! I recently read The Paris Wife, which took place in Paris in the 1920s. Paris is a beautiful city, and I really enjoyed all my holidays there, but reading about it in The Paris Wife made me wish that I could have experienced it in the 1920s.

  3. I was never one to be in awe over Paris but since reading Die For Me and Anna and the French Kiss i have a new found respect and appreciation for the city of love ... how could i not? ;)

  4. I guess like everyone else, Paris seems the most romantic and beautifully described. I just read Desired by Morgan Rice and her detailing was beautiful.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Paris. Because of Anna and the French Kiss. The way Stephanie Perkins describes the city just makes you want to have a love story there :)
    Thanks for the chance!

  6. I fell in love with Prague from reading about it in Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. It sounds so architecturally beautiful.

  7. North Carolina. It's always the setting of Nicholas Sparks' books. Having read a number of his novels, I feel like I've been there myself. Such a great place to be.

  8. I need one of those books to complete a series! I can't say I fell in love with it, but I am a "Twilight" fan; I want to see what Forks, WA is really like.

  9. I fell in Love with London while reading a child book i don't even remember the title^^;;

    all the best

  10. It's Paris since i read manga Rose of The Versailles.. Love this manga so much ^^

    And about the giveaway?
    I think i screw up the rafflecaptor.. I follow you by gfc (Kristiana), post the giveaway on fb, post your blog button on fb, post giveawy button, and leave comment. but i forget to give a link..

  11. Thank you for the chance to enter this competition. Paris, always so romantic in literature.

  12. Heya! Thank you for the giveaway!

    Oh, great question!:D I fell in love with Dublin after I read the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning! I'm dying to visit that city!<3

  13. Carmel, California.
    I really want to see this place by the sea since I have read The Mediator series by Meg Cabot.

  14. Hello, I have not had the pleasure of reading one. Have if I have luck, have a good day

  15. I fell in love with Medieval Siena, just by reading River of Time series <3

  16. I want to see St. Louis, because of Anita Blake, Seattle, because of Georgina Kinciad, New York because of The Mortal Instruments (and Sex and the City... :D) and o lot of other cities.
    Thank you for this giveaway! ;)

  17. I haven't been to the USA, but thanks to novels I feel like I know some of those cities: some of my favourite UF series take place in Chicago, Seattle, New York and North Carolina, so I'm curious and hope to visit those places some day :-)

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

    stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

  18. I fell in love with paris but i don't even remeber what book it was from!

  19. I fell in love with Paris, but that was when I travelled there, lol! Anyway, I would say I've always wondered about Georgia, and after reading Fallen I definitely want to visit.

  20. London. God How I would love to visit there. It seems so magical to me. I always felt like I should have been born there.

    mary_reiss @ hotmail.com

  21. I agree with Alice. Loved Anna and the French Kiss. It made Paris sound delightful (i've always wanted to go there anyways).

    jennifer k

  22. Anonymous1/04/2012

    I've awarded you with the Versatile blogger award! I didn't realize you already had one...opps. Now you have two! :)


    The link: http://wordsoftheworlds.blogspot.com/2012/01/i-have-been-given-versatile-blogger.html

  23. Forks Washington I have went there and saw it for my self. i go to see the high school before it was changed.

  24. I am guessing New York because of the Mortal Instruments.

  25. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil made me fall in love with Savannah. So much so that my family is planning on moving there in the future!

  26. In the Vampire Academy series when Rose goes after Demetri in Russia, I loved the description of the cities she saw (yup, can't remember the names). I'd love to go...in the summer though... I don't do cold!


  27. 250 followers to 460 followers all in a few days! You go girl you are on a roll!!! Now if you could just win me City of Ashes... Lol

  28. I definitely fell for London by reading Clockwork angel by classandra. I alwayed loved 1800 London but when I really read the book, I just fell hard!
    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. :)

  29. I'd have to say that while I HAVE been to London, there is nothing quite like the London (or rather Londons) of Kerstin Gier's Ruby Red. :) And I cannot wait to be taken back there with Sapphire Blue! Thank you for hosting all of the giveaways! :)

  30. Paris is just magical place. Paris also appear in books. I just dies!

  31. I love Leningrad now know as St Petersburg since I read The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons and the amazing journey for Paris with Anna and The French Kiss! Sigh! Is the one thing I love about books, they give us the chance to know places all over the world!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  32. I thought New York was kind of gross and had no desire at all to go there. But after reading the Mortal Instruments series, I think I'd probably give the city a chance.

  33. Great give-a-way and love you blog btw :) I need City of Glass in a bad way lol

  34. I've read a lot of books set in New Orleans and although I've never been there, I'm in love with it already! One of these days I'm going to go:)

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  35. Anonymous1/04/2012

    I fell in love with England especially London while reading some of Agatha Christie books ^^ Really want to go there someday !


  36. Ahh this giveaway is so awesome who wouldn't want one of these books thanks so much :D

  37. I fell in love the town from Shiver. I forgot the name but I love it there! Well since reading the book.

  38. Do fictional cities count? I fell in love with Charles deLint's Newford.

  39. I fell in love with London as I was reading believe it or not Sherlock Holmes many years ago and also my mother was born and married there.

  40. Ah, Australia? The country I'm in? xD
    But in other states. I read stories by Melina Merchatta.
    Thank you so much for the give away! :D

  41. New York! Thank you Rick Riordan and his Olympian series. :D

  42. Anonymous1/05/2012

    I fell in Love with corfu- Greece after reading My Family and Other Animals- I'm planning on living there one day...

  43. michigan due 2 maggie stiefvater/u rock

  44. England. I'm just so so SO In Love with England, I once went, but it was only for a day, we where passing through :( and I want to visit sooo badly :D! if a book has a setting in England, I'll read it. Period.

    and congrats on your 400 Followers and your almost 500 :D!

  45. Santorini, Greece, from reading the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series. :)

  46. wow that is a great question. I would have to say Cork, Ireland from Bridger by Megan Curd. I recently traveled there and it was beautful but when I read about it in bridger it seemed even more so!

  47. Hmm, this is a really interesting question. I'd have to say Greece or Rome. I read Greek myths and legends and absolutely fell in love with how everything was described. Maybe its more of the magical side to it that I fell in love with, but that's okay :P Anyhoo, OMG, more followers!! CONGRATS!

  48. I fell in love with Paris because of Anna and the French Kiss. Also London from the many many novels taking place there. :D Congrats on 400 followers.

    P.S. I kinda screwed up the GFC entry. I wrote my follower name (which is the same as the name I logged in with: mimz) but I wrote it in Cyrilic cause I forgot to switch languages. Sorry! :D

  49. Right now I'm reading Clockwork Prince, and I'm in love with Victorian London <3

  50. Goodness chick! Soooo many giveaways :) Congrats on all your loyal followers! Awesome books! Much love xx

  51. oooh Venice :) From the Love at Stake series

  52. I fell in love with victorian England from The Gemma Doyle Trilogy.

  53. I fell in love with Forks, WA from Twilight. I love forests, I live in Michigan so I guess I have enough of them. Although, Forks just seems like there's a lot more older trees. And there's the ocean.

  54. I fell in love with the city of Prague after reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone!

  55. I'd have to say London and England in general from Libba Bray's Gemma Doyle trilogy.

  56. Prague reading Daughter of Smoke and Bones and Paris reading Anna and The French Kiss. :)

  57. I fell in love with Paris from Anna and The French Kiss. It made me want to go to Paris right away! :) To bad I can't yet :( Thanks for the amazing giveaway!


  58. I fell in love with Prague from Daughter of Smoke and Bone! Another fab giveaway!

  59. Forks by reading Twilight ;D

  60. I fell in love with Paris after reading Die for Me by Amy Plum!

  61. Thanks for this amazing giveaway! I love TMI saga!

  62. I'm a Twilight fan, so I'm gonna say Forks :)

  63. Edo (now Tokyo) after reading James Clavell's Shogun

  64. Anonymous1/06/2012

    Can I put Hogwarts :P? No, okay, Prague from Daughter of Smoke and Bone then!

    thriftshopgrrl AT hotmail DOT com

  65. I took a literature class on books set in New York City and The Great Gatsby was the book that made me enjoy NYC as the setting the most. Thanks!

  66. After reading the Fever Series I fell Dublen!

    Thanks for the great giveaway

  67. I love so much Saint Petersburg since I loved so much The bronze horseman *o*

  68. Anonymous1/07/2012

    Oh that question is really easy and I love that you ask that.
    I fell in love with Dublin by reading the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning. I liked everything about ireland before that but because of that series I really fell in love. Also Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer is set in Ireland which makes me love the books even more. So I really hope one day I can go to Dublin! Wow sorry for my babbling.. :D
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  69. Prague from Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

  70. London, especially after reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  71. San Francisco because of Michael Scott's Nicholas Flammel series.

  72. Dublin because of the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning.

  73. I fell in love with many towns based on books. London- Faerie Ring, Dublin- Fever series, New York- Mortal Instruments and Dory series.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  74. I fell in love with the mountains and mist in Firelight

  75. Paris :) Anna and the French Kiss!

  76. VIctorian London from The infernal Devices.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Thanks for the giveaway you are a giveawayholic? :D

  79. I want to go the Louvre in Paris, because I fall in love with it in The Da Vinci code :)

  80. London from Immortal Instruments

  81. New Orleans from a historical romance novel I read a while back ago

  82. Forks, Washington. Hugeee twilight fan here(:

  83. Thank you for the giveaway!
    I really loved how Prague was portrayed in The Daughter Of Smoke And Bone. I'm about to start another book set there, and I hope I still love it!

  84. I fell in love with London, just by reading a book that takes place there.

    Name: Sarah Walker

    Email: sreis1987@gmail.com

  85. London through several books, in Jocelyn Drake's stories, I fell in love with Italy.

  86. Would love to live in Paris like in Die For Me by Amy Plum :)

  87. I fell in love with Paris by reading Anna and the French Kiss! :)
    thanks for this giveaway!

    email: echika[at]insightbb[dot]com

  88. Anonymous1/08/2012

    I actually fell in love with Carcassone (a city and wider area in the south of France), by reading Kate Mosse's books (the two from the Languedoc trilogy and The Winter Ghosts)! The area around there just sounds so magical!

    PS: Are we really from the same place???? :D

  89. London. I don't know why, but I did. And now I need to save up my money, so I can go there for reals...

  90. Virgin River ..is definetly my choice:) from Robyn Carr's Novels :)

  91. Does Victorian London from all the historicals I read count? It seems far more interesting than modern day London.

  92. Do fairy realms count...I would choose Lothlorien.

  93. I fell in love with Paris by reading Anna and the French Kiss. I also have to say that I spend my honeymoon there, but it wasn't anywhere near as romantic as it is in the book. ;)

  94. Ancient Egypt reading The Heretic Queen by Michelle Moran. Best historical romance EVER! And it's factually very accurate, which makes it even cooler.:D

    Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats on reaching such a crazy milestone!

  95. New Orleans always has a lot of paranormal books about it.

  96. I fell in love with Vatican, even though I'm an atheist, because of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons; one day I'd love to visit it and see the places in the book. Thank you so much for the giveaway ! :D

  97. I love just about every place I read about but that might have something to do with not being able to visit them myself.
    I loved Paris, London, New Orleans and a lot more...
    Thanks for the great giveaway and for making it international!

  98. I just finished Daughter of Smoke and Bone and they way Prague was described is amazing. Totally can't wait to see it someday.

  99. Paris from Anna and the French Kiss and Die For Me. I want to go there so bad! Thanks for the giveaway!

  100. Anjelica1/09/2012

    It would either be Paris (from Anna and the French Kiss) or Zanzibar Bay (from Twenty Boy Summer). I've always loved Paris and wanted to go and this book made me want to go even more (if that's even possible). Zanzibar Bay because it just sounds so....summer-y. I love summer and everything that has to do with it. SO it's a hard choice...

  101. I always have loved NYC, but the mortal instruments has increased my love.

  102. This one is a hard one for me because I don't read alot of realistic fiction! Gah...

    Maybe London from the Infernal Devices series? :D

  103. I would have to say San Francisco, after reading about the magical flowers in The Language of Flowers. =)

    Thanks for awesome giveaways

  104. A city I want to visit is Chicago because several series that I like take place there. For example, the Alpha and Omega series start out in Chicago and later takes place in Montana. Chicagoland Vampires and The Dark Elite series by Chloe Neill both take place in Chicago. I haven't read the Dresden Files yet, but I believe that series also takes place in Chicago. I'm hoping to go there this spring for the 2012 RT Booklover's Convention. :D

  105. Paris and/or London, since I was still a kid, I've always wanted to go there. :)

  106. Thanks for the giveaway!

    I'd love to visit Middle-earth from LOTR hahah :) Paris sounds great too (beacause of Anna and the French Kiss.)

  107. Prague- Daughter of Smoke and Bone

  108. Paris :) I love reading about Paris and would love to go there someday to see it with my own eyes!

  109. I fell in love with London reading The Name of the Star!

  110. Dublin because of Artemis Fowl.

  111. Paris from Anna and the French Kiss.

  112. Tokyo because of Haruki Murakami's books and Ryu Murakami's books.

  113. I fell in love with Dublin, Ireland after reading about it in my Cathy Kelly and Cecelia Ahern novels:)

    Thanks for this great giveaway!\

    GFC follower: IdentitySeeker

  114. Paris because of Anna and the French Kiss:)

  115. Paris because of Die For Me. I also want to try living in California, simply because of Mediator series. :)

  116. When I read "The Golden Needle" by Monsterrat Roig I fell in love with St. Petersburg. The author, just as me, loves Pushkin, and here descriptions and experiences in this city made me fall in love with it, I want to go there so much!

  117. New York - for so many books read, and now, The survival of the fiercest, also on NYC =D

  118. I totally fell in love with Thisby from THE SCORPIO RACES, the newest book by Maggie Stiefvater.

    I also love Hogwarts, of course! Thanks for this fun giveaway! :)

  119. I've fallen in love with New York from so many different books.
