Jan 2, 2012

300 Followers Giveaway

For this giveaway I was inspired by the upcoming movie The Hobbit. I admit I haven't read The Lord of the Rings Series although I have them on my shelves for months. So this giveaway it's all about:

Middle Earth

I am giving away one of the books listed below.

The giveaway is open from Jan.2 to Jan.10.
Open Internationally.

To enter fill the rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi thanks for this international GA :) I've read The hobbit and I really liked it, maybe even more than The lord of the rings.. Can't wait to see the movie!


  2. maria g1/02/2012

    great giveaway!!! congrats!!

  3. Congratulations!
    I haven't read them yet :)

  4. Thanks for this giveaway....

    I have read all the books besides the simarillion and watched all the LOTR movies, and eagerly waiting for the hobbits part 1 movie.

  5. I own these books so am not entering :) but I've spread some love.

    Twitted at: https://twitter.com/#!/cherrymischivus/status/153790830891634688

    Shared at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cherrymischievous/posts/297073643663820

    Re-posted: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2012/01/mostly-reviews-300-followers-giveaway.html

    Goodluck to everybody entering!

    Cherry Mischievous

  6. Congrats on your followers! And Happy New Year!

  7. Thanks for this giveaway I would love to get hold of them, if I have to have luck.And Happy New Year

  8. I loved the books & the movies & I can't wait for The Hobbit :) The only one I haven't read (and own) is The Silmarillion, so thanks for the opportunity to win :)

  9. I loved the LoTR books and the movies, except for the fact that Tom Bombadil was left out. As for the Hobbit, I have not watched any of the trailers, and I'm going to try avoiding them so I can enter the theater with a completely clear head about it all. The Hobbit is a magical book for me because it is why I learned to read and what inspired my love of reading.

  10. Nice Giveaway :D I've read The Hobbit :D

  11. I've read the Hobbit and LOVED it! I've read the Fellowship of the Ring but don't remember much about it other than it's really different than the movie. I want to reread it and the rest of the series. I have all the books except Silmarillion. Winning this would certainly light a fire under my butt to get all of them read.


  12. I am about embarrased to admit this, but I have only watched the LotR movies. I keep meaning to read the books but have yet to find time to actually do it.

    Love the movies.

    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  13. Thanks for the giveaway, I havent read the books but I love the films.

  14. Anonymous1/02/2012

    I already have these, but thanks for the invite! I really loved The Hobbit, though LOTR was a bit hard for me to get through. I'd definitely recommend them, though. :)


    Stop by my blog tour: http://www.wordsoftheworlds.blogspot.com

  15. I haven't read the books but I've been meaning to. I love the movies!

  16. Congratulations!
    I haven't read them yet :

  17. I haven't read this series yet, but it's on my TBR list! I'm actually planning to start The Hobbit and read it aloud to my daughter today!

  18. Fantastic contest! I love Tolkien. Sigh. And the movie trailer for Hobbit totally rocks doesn't it? I went to the place in New Zealand where they were filming Lord of the Rings. Amazing.

  19. I havent read the books but I saw the movie.

  20. I haven't read any of the books or the movies, but my friends have been telling me to check them out. :D

  21. I have not read the books but I have seen the movies. Congrats on 300 Followers

  22. Thank You for hosting these giveaways. I haven't read any LOTR books either, but they are probably one of the books you should read before you die.

  23. I've read the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy & THE HOBBIT. In fact THE HOBBIT was the last book I read. I saw the trailer & I just had to re-read it. I love the movies & I am so looking forward to THE HOBBIT movie.


  24. Anonymous1/03/2012

    I've not read or watched any of these- but hearing about a man who created a 2000 pound hobbit house to live in with his family was enough to spark my interest...

  25. i have read the LOTR's and watched the movies. the movies are filmed in my country of New Zealand. the movies are done so beautifully
    thanks for the international GA

  26. I haven't read the books but I've seen the LOTR movies and loved them! I'm also a bit excited for the Hobbit. There's 12 months to it, so maybe I'll read them until then. :D

  27. I have not read the books, shame on me. I have, however, watched the movie and i loved them. That doesn't mean anything about the books though. We all know the book is always better.

  28. I've read all of them and I loved them! I don't have a copy of any of them of my own, though, and would love to! Thanks for the giveaway:)

  29. This is one of those rare cases where I've seen the movies but never read the books. I've seen all three LOtR movies, but I've never read them AT ALL. I've been really wanting to though. Thank you for this giveaway Veronica! And congrats on all your new followers~

  30. Okay, saw that this was LotR themed, and I just about DIED. While I've only read the first book (Fellowship!), I am a HUGE fan of the movies. Only a month or so ago, I sat down in my basement with my best friend and watched thirteen hours straight, all the way through all the movies! Extended is the only way to go. (; I've been a huge fan since they first came out, and I was only six then!

    Just thinking about LotR right now is seriously making me tear up. x) This series is so dear to my heart. <3

  31. I loved the movie altho I missed the second. I have only seen the first and last. I am so bad. But, if I notice them on. I must watch them. My brother years ago tried to get me to read the series. He loved it WAY back before movies or talk of movies. But, I didn't do it. Now I wish I did.

    mary_reiss @ hotmail.com

  32. I love Tolkien!!! I've read everything except Silmarillion which I has never heard of and need to go add to my goodreads TBR. Want to watch the movies. Are you reading as part of the Book2Movie challenge?

  33. I watched the Lord of the Rings movie. It was long! But the effects are amazing! My sister acutally bought one of the book last month.

    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway! :)))

  34. I borrowed from the library once but never got the chance to read them. :)

  35. My cousins are huge fans of Tolkien they always drag me to the movies and they love Lord of the Rings movies, I always go with them as long I saw Orlando Bloom, haha. Even then, the movies are AWESOME! And we can't wait for the Hobbit!!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  36. i've read all ring books and the hobbit and found them the first time pretty boring. the hobbit was the first english book i've read outside my english class and at the time it was a bit too difficult - but i got through. and the ring books.. well i stopped in the middle of book two because it really was boring for me. then some time later the first film came out and it was awesome and i thought i should give the books a second chance (and i couldn't wait for the two other films to get out ;))
    the second time i read them i was floored. i don't know, perhaps i was a bit too young for the books when i read them the first time or the film just made me visualize the world better. now i see them differently. i love the world they create.

  37. I've read all the books except for the Silmarillion and absolutely love them! I also loove the movies and am anxiously awaiting the Hobbit to be released :)

  38. I've watched all of the movies and read the Hobbit. I loved the movies!

  39. Haven't read or watched any, but I've been wanting to!

  40. I haven't read the books, but I watched the movies. I loved them!

  41. I've read ALL of these books and seen all of their movie ones. I love The Silmarillion the most ever...it's hard to understand the relations and to catch the storyline...but I love the world which comes true before my eyes and the changes of eras. I'm fond of Gods and Godesses and every other mytical creatures in it...sometimes I wish I could live among them :)

  42. Anonymous1/06/2012

    I'm a big LOTR fan, movies and books, and I absolutely LOVED the hobbit! I haven't read the Silmarillion as of yet, but it's on the list :) Thanks for the giveaway!

    thriftshopgrrl AT hotmail DOT com

  43. I've seen all of the LOTR movies and loved them but I haven't read any of the books. I'm hoping to read all of the books before The Hobbit movie comes out. Thanks for the giveaway!

  44. I've seen the first movie, but I've never read the book. Thanks!

  45. I've never read any of those books before but I have watched the movies!! I can't wait for the hobbit movie!!!

  46. Anonymous1/07/2012

    I haven't ready any of the books but I really want to because I loved the movies. I'm really excited about The Hobbit movie!

  47. I have read the Hobbit and the LOrd of the Rings and seen the movies. They are my absolute favorites!!
    lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

  48. I watched the 1st LotR and loved it! :)
    I these books so badly!

  49. I have read Hobit and I really love it, I am looking forward to a film :) And LotR I haven´t read only watched the first of the films and I like it, but Hobit is a Hobit :)

  50. I've watched The Lord of the Rings movies and I loved them - can't wait for the Hobbit this year ;) I really want to read the books :)

  51. Anonymous1/08/2012

    I've seen all of The Lord of the Rings films and I loved them all! They are just amazing! I tried reading the books about 5-6 years ago and managed to finish the first one, but got about half-way through the second one. I'm not sure what it was exactly that I didn't enjoy at the time, but I have decided that I will be trying them out again sometime!

  52. I love The Hobbit and LOTR. These are the books that sparked my love of fantasy way back when. I'm 60 now and first read these when I was 14 and I fell in love with them. I still have that first set of second hand paperbacks my older cousin gave me. They were magical then and for me still are.

  53. I read LotR when I was 13. I'd started it and had parts of it read aloud to me before then, but that year I got the flu and all I did for two weeks was lay in bed and read, read, read until I'd finished the book. Once I'd finished it, I was miraculously better and able to go back to school. ;)

    I adore LotR and the films do the books justice. I read The Hobbit when I was 7 or 8 so I'm really looking forward to the release of that film too!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I haven't read the books but I've watched some of the movies. I do want to read them thought so I would love to win some :D Thanks for the giveaway!

  56. They are so great ! I've read them all except for The Silmarillion, and I'd love to get it. Thank you so much for this giveaway ! :D

  57. I am in love with JRR Tolkien!!! I have read and watched everything that he has had any part in! And i am about to pee myself with excitement to watch the Hobbit. I am completely aware of the huge nerd I am....lol

  58. I have not read any of those books or seen any of the movies!

  59. I didn't read any book, I saw all the films but I was very young.
    I think that I liked them but I don't remember very well..

  60. I watched the movies and loved them. I have read all of the book but one and loved them as well. I would love to read them again.

  61. I pulled a "Lord of the Rings" movie marathon night once... Not such a great idea if you don't have lots of coffee on hand, haha! I have read "The Hobbit" and look forward to the 2-part movie!

  62. I love the LOTR Movies, like obsessively so. =) However, I just cannot get through The Two Towers book, because Frodo and Sam's adventures are so boring lol.

    Can't wait for the Hobbit!

  63. I love the LOTR movies and watch them very often. Can't wait to watch the Hobbit! Thank you for this chance! :D

  64. All but the Silmarillon, loved the books and the films, classics!

  65. I've read and watched the Ring books, but not The Hobbit or the Silmarillion. Loved the books, there were some boring parts, but it was a great adventure :) The movies were great too :P Lots of eye-candy :P

  66. I watched The lord of the rings and I think is the best trilogy made ever.
    thanks for an awesome giveaway

  67. I've read The Hobbit and The lord of the Rings and seen the movies. They were excellent! I can't wait for the Hobbit movie to come out!

    Thanks for the giveaway:)
