Feb 18, 2013

Review Copy Cleanup 3.0 - Week 2 Wrap Up

Second week of the Review Copy Cleanup has come to an end and I am really glad with what I managed to read last week. As I have said before during the first week I only managed to read one review book, Tough Girl, but last week I read two! YAY!

Tough Girl by Libby Heily
Recalled by Cambria Hebert 
Red Fox by Karina Halle
A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest 
Finding ELE by Rebecca Gober & Courtney Nuckels [next]
Ashuliya: The Lost Kingdom by Sabine A. Reed (There is no link for it yet)

Last week I read Recalled and then A Shade of Vampire. Both books got 5 stars but I have to say A Shade of Vampire blew me away. I went in with zero expectations, maybe thinking it won't be good cause I am not a fan of vamps, but it was amazing. Wait for my review tomorrow and a giveaway :) Truly amazing. And of course Recalled was brilliant too, but I've read all of Hebert's books and it was to be expected.

So, right now I am not reading any review book, instead I started Born Wicked, which hopefully will pick up the pace soon. But after that I will start Finding ELE.

How did you do?


  1. Anonymous2/18/2013

    this is really a nice stuff....thanks for sharing this great post.
    Genital estetik

  2. Congrats on your progress so far! Halfway through your goals - doing so well! :-) Glad that A Shade of Vampire was good, it's not one I'd heard of but now I'm really interested!

    Best of luck with next week's reading :-D
