Jan 30, 2015

Book Blitz: Courtlight and Crown Service by Terah Edun & GIVEAWAY

Courtlight and Crown Service by Terah Edun 
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

The Courtlight Series
When peasant girl Ciardis is chosen for a position at court, she travels across the empire to begin a new life. To survive, she’ll need to master intrigue, befriend a crown prince, and learn to control magical abilities she never knew existed.
The Crown Service Series
As an unstoppable war breaks out between the mages of the Algardis Empire, young Sara Fairchild enlists in the empress’s army to find out exactly what everyone’s trying to hide. But there are secrets on both sides of the battle that will make her question everything…

Terah Edun's next YA Fantasy novel, BLADES OF MAGIC - Crown Service Book #1 (set in the Algardis Universe), will release on March 31, 2014. Book Five of Courtlight, SWORN TO DEFIANCE, will release in April 2014.

Her favorite writers include Mercedes Lackey, Tamora Pierce, Kristin Cashore, Robin Hobb and Maria Snyder.

Check out Terah's author website (teedun.com) for more information about her books, find her online @TEdunWrites and subscribe to her newsletter (bit.ly/SubscribetoTerahsNewsletter) to be notified of upcoming releases.
Author links: 


Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)

  • Kindle Fire HD 6
  • PLUS every person who enters will get a FREE copy of BLADES OF MAGIC and SWORN TO RAISE audiobooks from Audible.com

M9B: Friday Reveal: Gods of Chaos (Daughter of Chaos #2) by Jen McConnel & GIVEAWAY

Welcome to the Cover Reveal for
Gods of Chaos (Daughter of Chaos #2) by Jen McConnel
presented by Month9Books!
Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post!
Gods of Chaos
The gods of chaos cannot be trusted.
When Darlena Agara declared to follow Red Magic last fall, she had no idea what she was getting into. Since then, however, she's had a crash course in danger, deceit, and destruction. In an effort to gain an ally, Darlena heads to Scotland in search of another Red Witch, but she didn't count on the new obstacles (and crazy gods) that await her.
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Title: Gods of Chaos (Daughter of Chaos #2)
Publication date: March 31, 2015
Publisher: Month9Books, LLC.
Author: Jen McConnel
Jen McConnel
Jen McConnel now lives and writes in the beautiful state of North Carolina. When she isn't crafting worlds of fiction, she teaches writing composition at a community college. Once upon a time, she was a middle school teacher, a librarian, and a bookseller, but those are stories for another time.
Author Links: Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads
Complete the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win!
(Winners will receive their book on release day)

Jan 28, 2015

Book Blitz: False Finder by Mia Hoddell & GIVEAWAY

False Finder
Release Date: 01/13/15
Limitless Publishing
400 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Cora has been able to detect lies since she was born, she’s…a False Finder.

However when blackmail, betrayal, and lying are all the population has to protect themselves, it makes her dangerous. It also makes her a target.

Because of Cora’s ability, Rogan Carvelli—London’s biggest criminal leader—has been trying to acquire her for years.

Cora has learned to survive and remain undetected—at least until one careless mistake causes her friends to betray her.

Sold to Carvelli, Cora is only left with the help of a secret organisation to escape. She knows nothing about them, but they have saved her too many times to ignore.

However, the closer she gets, the clearer it becomes…
Their motives are far from innocent.



“Well? Are you going to take me to her or not?” Cora asked, getting frustrated as she cocked her hip out in annoyance.
“What’s your plan if I say no?” Rogan looked at his watch casually, which only irritated Cora more.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Rogan shrugged nonchalantly in response, neither denying nor confirming her comment.
“You believe what you choose to believe.”
Before Cora could think it through, she snapped. Her fist went flying towards Rogan’s face quicker than she expected and she could do nothing to retract it.
Rogan lifted his arm to block her a split-second before the punch was about to land. Deflecting her blow, he diverted her fist to the side and using the momentum she had built up he gripped her wrist, spinning her around and pinning it behind her back. Leaning on the space between her shoulder blades, he shoved her body against the door, his six foot three frame towering over her.
“Don’t you ever try something like that again,” he said, his tone lowering to a dangerous level, his head close to hers.
“Why not? What are you going to do? It’s not like you can afford to lose me so I don’t have to worry about being disposed of like normal employees,” Cora shot back, trying to act more confident than she felt which wasn’t easy when she could smell the wood her face was pressed against.
There was a controlled power to the grip he had around her wrist. She could sense that he would only have to make a slight adjustment to his hold to be able to snap it like a twig.
“You may be of more use to me than the others but that doesn’t mean you’re untouchable. I only need you coherent and that leaves a lot of options, regarding pain, open to me. It’s in your best interest not to test me.”

About the Author
Mia Hoddell lives in the UK with her family and two cats. She spends most of her time writing or reading, loves anything paranormal or romantic, and has an overactive imagination that keeps her up until the early hours of the morning. 

By the age of nineteen, Mia had published nine books, including the Elemental Killers series and the Seasons of Change series. Since then, her books have charted on numerous Amazon Bestseller Lists, and she has also had poems published in a many anthologies. With an ever growing list of ideas, Mia continues to create fictional worlds through her writing, and is trying to keep up with the speed at which her imagination generates them.

She also designs book covers and banners on her website M Designs 

Author Links:
 photo iconwebsite-32x32_zps1f477f69.png  photo icontwitter-32x32_zpsae13e2b2.png  photo icongoodreads32_zps60f83491.png  photo iconfacebook-32x32_zps64a79d4a.png


Book Blitz Organized by:

Jan 26, 2015

Book Blitz: Clarity by Loretta Lost

Clarity – The Complete Series by Loretta Lost 
Publication date: December 17th 2014 
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


This bundle contains all three books in the Clarity series:
Clarity 1
Her world has always been dark, but he might be able to change everything…
Fiercely independent Helen Winters was born completely blind, but she vowed never to let her disability keep her down. She did not expect a traumatic event to devastate her life and force her to drop out of college. Disillusioned by the cruelty of people, Helen retreated from society to live by herself as a reclusive writer in the woods–where no one could ever hurt her again.
When a brilliant young doctor shows up on her doorstep, promising her that his new research can give her the ability to see for the first time, Helen stubbornly refuses. She has learned not to trust anyone, and to rely only on herself. But Dr. Liam Larson will not take no for an answer. He makes it his personal mission to rescue Helen from her loneliness, and bring joy into her world once more–the joy she has denied herself for so long.
When Helen’s demons come racing back into her life, threatening to rip her apart and destroy the strength she has carefully rebuilt, Liam is the only one who might be able to save her. Can he reach the broken girl in time, helping her to heal and see the world in a different light? Or will Helen’s grief send her spiraling out of control, lost to him forever?
Clarity 2:
When violent memories come racing back, he is her only hope…
Helen Winters was living a lonely existence when the charming Dr. Liam Larson coaxed her out of solitude with the promise of healing her sightless eyes. She was hopeful at the prospect of gaining vision for the first time and being reunited with her family. She was also growing somewhat fond of the persuasive young doctor. For the first time in years, she was being magnetically drawn to a new friend…
Then everything came crashing down.
Plunged into a hellish nightmare, Helen is forced to face the same evils she ran away to escape so long ago. She is unprepared to have her hopes crushed and her peace destroyed. She finds herself living in constant terror and drowning in fear–and Liam’s voice is the only thing that can keep her afloat. His comforting touch becomes the only light in her pitch-black darkness. Helen has always been a tough girl who relied only on herself. But this time, she can’t survive alone. Due to the horrors of her past, Helen has promised herself not to trust anyone. When her life becomes unbearable, how can she trust Liam enough to let him save her?
Clarity 3:
After many years of darkness, Winter never thought that she’d be happy or safe again. Her whole world changed when she met Liam Larson, a charming young doctor determined to be her knight in shining armor. When a brutal night unleashes vicious reminders of her past, Winter must struggle to hold on to the little bit of happiness she has found.
When everything begins to fall apart, Liam’s strength and kindness might not be enough to save her. Battling with the betrayal of her family, terrifying nightmares, and frequent reminders of her enemy that make daily life difficult, Winter’s first instinct is to run away. She is tired of being the victim and living in a cruel, crowded city where she doesn’t feel like she belongs.
But Liam promises her that if she only trusts him, he can change everything. And that’s exactly what he attempts to do, starting with an operation to heal her eyes, and then her heart.

Buy links for the first two books in the Judge Me Not trilogy:
--I Stand Before You (Judge Me Not #1):
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1BZ0Az0
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/i-stand-before-you-sr-grey/1118730233?ean=2940148368694

--Never Doubt Me (Judge Me Not #2):
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1DPIsJx
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/never-doubt-me-sr-grey/1119345975?ean=2940149463305

Loretta Lost writes for the same reason that you read: to experience all the love and excitement that can often be lacking from real life. She finds it therapeutic to explore her issues through the eyes of a different person. She hopes to have a family someday, but until then, her characters will do nicely.

Author links:

Jan 25, 2015

Showcase Sunday #44 - January 2015

Inspired by Pop Culture Junkie and the Story Siren, the aim of Showcase Sunday is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.
~Vicky @ Books Biscuits and Tea

Welcome to the first SS of the year. Hopefully this year I can control my buying insticts and finally reduce my huge TBR pile. It's over 200 books, so it's not even funny anymore. I don't have any specific resolutions for buying books but I want to reduce my physical TBR pile to 150 books. Hope I can manage that.

So, for the month of January I bought 7 books, 1 audiobook and received one more book for review. So 9 new books added to my TBR which is not that bad. Trust me, I struggly everday to stop myself from getting more, it could have been so much worse. Well, here are the books:

A Few Words:

More John Scalzi books! I've read Old Man's War at the beginning of the month and loved everything about it, so I went ahead and bought Fuzzy Nation and an audiobook of Redshirts, narrated by Wil Wheaton (his voice is perfect for sci-fi or pretty much any book)! 

Then I bought a couple of huge fantasy books, The Red Knight and Empire in Black and Gold, that I am not really sure what they are about. I only know that people loved them and it's very easy for me to love a good old fantasy book, so it was an easy decision. 

I also got Soulless, which is a Steampunk book that everyone pretty much loves. I am a huge fan of Steampunk but haven't read as much of it as I would like. Soulless seems the perfect start to a series.

I bought Shadow Kiss, book 3 in the Vampire Academy series. Even though I was a bit dissapointed by the end of the second book, I am willing to give this one a try. But if I don't like it as much as I want to, this will be the end of the series for me. 

Another book I got, even though I wasn't a big fan of the first one, is Spirit and Dust. I am glad that this one is about different characters and setting from the first book and that Daisy is making a comeback. Hope this one will be more fast-paced than the first one.

Finally I got two ebooks, Between was on sale and it sounds really great and I received Playing Hooky for review, also a book that sounds great for me. I will probably start reading Playing Hooky by the end of this month and I will share my thoughts with all of you.

Jan 24, 2015

Cover Reveal: The Blood Thief of Whitten Hall by Jon Messenger

We know everyone is getting excited about the upcoming release of Wolves of the Northern Rift. This first book in the Magic and Machinery Series, will release on March 10, 2015. We've received a lot of exciting feedback from fans about this new Steampunk series by best-selling author— Jon Messenger. We know book one hasn't been released yet, but we wanted to share with you the awesome cover reveal for the second book in the series that will release on August 25, 2015. Check it out below and don't forget to add it to your Goodreads to be read list! 


SERIES: Magic and Machinery Series


In a world of science, magic is an abomination.

Magic is an abomination. It spread from the Rift, a great chasm hundreds of miles long that nearly split the southern continent in two. The Rift was a portal, a gateway between their world of science and the mythological world of magic. 

On the northern continent of Ocker, King Godwin declared that no magical monstrosity would be allowed within their borders. The Royal Inquisitors were formed to investigate reports of mystical occurrences and, should they be found, to destroy them. 

Inquisitor Simon Whitlock knows his responsibilities all too well. Along with the apothecary, Luthor Strong, they’ve spent two years inquiring into such reports of magical abominations, though they’ve discovered far more charlatans than true magical creatures. When assigned to investigate Haversham and its reports of werewolves, Simon remains unconvinced that the rumors are true. What he discovers in the frozen little hamlet is that the werewolves are far more real than he believed; yet they’re hardly the most dangerous monster in the city.



The best-selling World Aflame Series. Wind Warrior is Free.

The best-selling Brink of Distinction Series. Burden of Sisyphus is Free.


Jon Messenger (Born 1979 in London, England) serves as an United States Army Major in the Medical Service Corps. Since graduating from the University of Southern California in 2002, writing Science Fiction has remained his passion, a passion that has continued through two deployments to Iraq, a humanitarian relief mission to Haiti, and an upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Jon wrote the "Brink of Distinction" trilogy, of which "Burden of Sisyphus" is the first book, while serving a 16-month deployment in Baghdad, Iraq.

Wind Warrior, which won a Readers Choice Award, was Jon Messenger's break through novel published through Clean Teen Publishing. Since then, he has continued the series with Flame Caller and Water Shaper. His adult Sci-fi series: Brink of Distinction, was published with Crimson Tree Publishing, the Adult imprint of Clean Teen Publishing, in 2013. 

Jan 23, 2015

Cover Reveal: The Way We Fall by Cassia Leo & GIVEAWAY

Today we have the cove reveal for Cassia Leo’s The Way We Fall! I love this cover, AND Cassia is sharing an excerpt, as well as the playlist for the book. Be sure to read all the way to the bottom for all the fantastic extras!!

Title:  The Way We Fall
Author: Cassia Leo
Genre: Contemporary romance
Release Day: February 20th

About The Way We Fall:
From New York Times bestselling author Cassia Leo comes a twisted and passionate love story that pushes the boundaries of loyalty.

Maybe we shouldn’t have fallen so fast and so willingly.

Maybe we shouldn’t have moved in together before we went on our first date.

Maybe we should have given our wounds time to heal before we tore each other to shreds.

Maybe we should have never been together.

Houston has kept a devastating secret from Rory since the day he took her into his home. But the tragic circumstances that brought them together left wounds too deep to heal.

Five years after the breakup, Houston and Rory are thrust together by forces beyond their control. And all the resentments and passion return with more intensity than ever.

Once again, Houston is left with a choice between the truth and the only girl he’s ever loved.

The Way We Fall is the first book in The Story of Us Series, which follows the tumultuous love story of Rory and Houston. The sequel, The Way We Break, will be released Spring 2015.

Available for $0.99 only during preorder and for the first 48 hours after release.

Preorder on iBooks: http://bit.ly/1Af66hs

Exclusive Excerpt:
“I need to talk to you about the work situation,” he says as he follows me out. “I got the contract, but I want to make sure you’re okay with this before I sign it.”
“You want to know if I’ll be okay working with you?”
I slide the key into the doorknob and Houston places his hand over mine to stop me from turning the knob. “I can’t go in there with you. Please stay out here until we’re done talking.”
I shake his hand off and turn around to face him. “There’s nothing to talk about. You have to sign the contract. The way I feel about working with you shouldn’t matter.”
“But it does matter. I don’t want to upset you. You were there first.”
I can’t help but laugh. “So this is a territorial thing? You think because I was there first that I have some sort of right to keep you out?” His left eyebrow shoots up the way it always does when he’s confused and it nearly renders me mute. “Houston, if I didn’t work there you wouldn’t think twice about signing that contract. So that’s what you should do. Just… please stop making this into something it isn’t. We hardly know each other anymore, and that’s the way it’s going to remain.”
He swallows hard as he lets this sink in. “I guess you’re right. I’m sorry I bothered you. I only wanted to… Never mind. I’ll get going. I have to get up early to go sign that contract. Not that you care.”
He shakes his head in disappointment as he walks away and I’m glad I don’t have anything solid in my hand other than Skippy’s leash or I might throw it at the back of his head. So I’m the one who doesn’t care? Ugh. Typical Houston and his endless psychological games.
Maybe I should have told him to walk away from the contract, but that would have meant admitting that he still has a strong hold over me. It also would have been the truth and the truth has never gotten me into trouble. In fact, the truth is something my previous relationship with Houston was sorely lacking.
Nevertheless, I don’t need to right the wrongs we made while we were together. I don’t need to tell Houston that the sight of him makes my throat dry and my stomach flutter. He doesn’t need to know that I still go to sleep with scenes from our life together playing on repeat in my mind. Or that sometimes I wake up with his name tumbling from my lips, the remnants of dreams where he never left and nightmares where he hovers just out of reach.
Before Wednesday, the last time I had seen Houston was the day after he met me at the Planned Parenthood clinic. I didn’t ask him to come, and I don’t know how he found the date and time of my appointment, but he was there when we pulled into the parking lot. Lisa, a girl from my Social Inequality class whom I’d had coffee with a couple of times, had graciously agreed to take me to the clinic. The moment I saw him leaning against his truck, I knew I had to send Lisa home. Houston would insist on taking me back to the apartment after the procedure, to watch over me.
It was the last thing I wanted, to have Houston doting over me after terminating the pregnancy. But it was also the only thing I wanted. It was as if he was performing the last rites on our dead relationship.

Text BOOKLOVE to 41411 to get a text alert when this book is released.

About Cassia Leo:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Cassia Leo loves her coffee, chocolate, and margaritas with salt. When she’s not writing, she spends way too much time watching old reruns of Friends and Sex and the City. When she’s not watching reruns, she’s usually enjoying the California sunshine or reading – sometimes both.

Come chat with her on
You can also follow her blog at http://cassialeo.com to stay up to date on new releases and giveaways.

Enter Cassia’s giveaway!!!

Jan 22, 2015

Book Review: Old Man's War by John Scalzi

Old Man's War (Old Man's War, #1)
by John Scalzi

Old Man's War is one of the first adult sci-fi I've ever read (could be the first one too) and it was pure awesomeness. John Scalzi managed to create a setting and characters that really made me get lost in the story.

This is the story of John Perry, a 75-year-old who decides to join the Colonial Defense Force. It seems like people managed to colonize other galaxies but they are not the only ones and in order to protect their colonies and create new ones they need a army of 75-year-olds modified people from Earth to fight for them. John, along with over a hundred more people embark in this unforgettable journey. They get through tests, they get a new modified body (with green skin nonetheless) and join the CDF.

John Scalzi did an amazing job with the science in this book. I love math and computers and anything that has to do with science so I loved reading about what the colonies created and how they traveled and fought. Jumping from spaceship to spaceship, fighting against alien species, landing in new planets, this book was perfection. I just can't wait to read the next one.

Jan 21, 2015

Cover Reveal: Camden's Redemption by L.P. Dover


For so long, UFC Middleweight fighter, Camden Jameson lived in his twin brother’s shadow, competing to be the best. When he lost his way, he turned to the Dark Side and did some unforgiveable things. After his betrayal, he tried to earn his redemption, but it wasn’t enough. Now his whole world has fallen apart and he’s on the run from those who want him dead. But he’s not alone.

Undercover agent, Brooklyn Avery, has been assigned to Camden’s case, to watch and protect him. For months, she’s been in the shadows, keeping her distance. All of that changes when the mission takes a dangerous turn and she needs to get closer to protect him. Their love is forbidden, but once they see past each other’s scars, they realize they have what it takes to heal the other. Unfortunately, Camden still has a price to pay for his sins.

Lives will be lost, some will be damaged, and a dark, hidden secret will be revealed. In the end, Camden finally learns what it means to put everything on the line for love, even if it costs him.



USA Today Bestselling author, L.P. Dover, is a southern belle residing in North Carolina along with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she even began her literary journey she worked in Periodontics enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries. 

Not only does she love to write, but she loves to play tennis, go on mountain hikes, white water rafting, and you can’t forget the passion for singing. Her two number one fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime and those songs usually consist of Christmas carols. 

Aside from being a wife and mother, L.P. Dover has written over nine novels including her Forever Fae series, the Second Chances series, and her standalone novel, Love, Lies, and Deception. Her favorite genre to read is romantic suspense and she also loves writing it. However, if she had to choose a setting to live in it would have to be with her faeries in the Land of the Fae.