Jun 7, 2012

Charade Tour Stop: Shopping in Italy + Giveaway

Hello guys! Today is my stop of the Charade Tour, the second book in the Heven and Hell Series. So without any further ado Cambria and Kimber are here to walk us through the streets and shops of Rome.


Happy Tour of Italy week! I hope you all are having a blast touring around Italy with me and the characters in the Heven and Hell series. In the second book of the series, Charade, the main characters travel to Italy for a school trip… but they have ulterior motives as well… a secret mission to complete while they are there. And NO they are not McGyver. Ha ha ha. They are just some teens trying to make it through a paranormal explosion.

Anyway, let’s move on to Italy. 

Today’s post is brought to you by Kimber. Kimber is Heven’s BFF… or is she? Read Charade to find out. 

Kimber travels to Italy with the crew and we all know that our girl Kimber loves to shop and loves fashion. So she is going to tell us all about the places she went while in Italy. 

Take it away Kimber!!

If you haven’t shopped in Italy then you haven’t shopped. Okay, you have but not like this. Sure, sightseeing was fabulous and Italy is gorgeous but what better way to remember a trip than by buying stuff to bring home? 

I think the most known shopping in Italy is probably the tourist shops. Now you know that a girl like me usually bypasses the tourist shops and heads for the more pricey items but there was something really fun about these little shops. Here are a few snapshots I took while I was shopping: 
I just loved digging through baskets like these looking for trinkets and memorabilia. 

Below is another shot of a rack of post cards. I sent several while I was there. Notice all the ones with the Pope? He’s like a celebrity around here! He’s on t-shirts, hats, mugs, magnets. I think Brad and Angelina better move over… but I did think Heven’s mom would appreciate the Pope as art so I sent her postcard.
This cute little shop was filled with keychains and little items: 

I grabbed up two of these because they reminded me of Heven. Have you ever noticed how she wears a key all the time? And that whistle she keeps tucked beneath her T-shirt sometimes? 
Then there were the street shops. I loved wandering down the street and looking at all the books and items that all these little places had to offer. There aren’t many places that you can do this in the U.S. (except a flea market and that is nasty). They were in a long row one after the other, I could have spent all day here. But we only had so long. 
That’s a ton of books! Most of them were written in Italian, but if you looked hard enough you could find a few in English. 
I really liked this shop. (the photo above) My favorite was the knight statue. I actually thought about buying him but I didn’t think I could jam him in my suitcase. What girl doesn’t want a knight in shining armor? 
This was a fun little shop. I liked the prints of Italy and the post cards most here. 

Now that I told you about the cute little street shops and the tourist shops let me move onto to something more up my alley… via del Corso is a very famous street in Rome and it is very expensive. Think shopping on Rodeo Drive in Hollywood. But it was so fabulous. The collection of stores is amazing. 

Check it out: 

This is a view of Corso Street. Isn’t it charming? 

And when you get tired of all that shopping you can stop in for a bite to eat here: 
Can you believe that Rome has a Hard Rock Café?? Here is the inside (I peaked in but didn’t eat. I was bummed): 

I also stumbled past this little pasta shop. They had pasta in all shapes it was cool. 
And then I saw this one – a shop that reminded me of being a little girl: 

So those are all the places I went and shopped at. It was totally fun and totally distracted me from everything that is going on in my life and with the people around me… sorry, I can’t talk about that now. But if you want to know about the drama read Charade. You can buy that online which is sooo simple. 

As they say in Rome: Ciao! 

A huge thanks to Veronica because she is the one who took all of these amazing photos in Rome which made this post totally authentic. I feel like I know a little piece of Italy now and I haven’t even left home. Thanks Veronica! 

So that’s it for today’s Tour Of Italy!

Be sure to enter the huge tour of Italy wrap up giveaway on June 8th (tomorrow) at Supernatural Snark!

Have a great day!


by Cambria Hebert
Buy it: amazon | smashwords | bookdepository

Dying at the hands of a psycho was a shock. Having my life returned to me by an angel was incredible. Being named a Supernatural Treasure and being given Sam as my guard was pretty darn awesome. Acquiring a debt for it all—well, I should have seen it coming.

Now here we are, fighting demons from Hell, caring for a boy that I just don’t trust, and traveling to faraway places to return a treasure to its rightful place. Nothing is as it seems. Everyone wears a mask; everyone puts on a charade. It’s up to us to separate the truth from the lies and reality from fiction. A hard task when my new reality involves fallen angels, witches and dragons… and did I mention Hell?

Anchoring me down through it all is Sam. Sam, who must face tragedies of his own and is put to the test again and again.

If we fail in our task, life as we know it—life as you know it—will end. Forever.

Giveaway Time
What one of you will win:
  • A paperback of Charade
  • A signed bookmark set (2 bookmarks)
  • A magnet featuring Sam
  • One of the keychains pictured above that I bought from Rome (the one that looks like a key)
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I really need to start this series so I have my fingers crossed I win! :)

    ~Emily@Emily's Crammed Bookshelf

  2. Hi veronica!!!
    This post looks fabulous and its because YOU took all these amazong photos in Rome when you went. It is so fun knowing others from other parts of the world, we get to know so much more that way. That is one of the best things about being a blogger and having social media, all the really great people that I never would have met otherwise.
    I really appreciate the time you took on your vacation to snap the photos and send them to me, I feel like I actually got to go there too!
    Thank you for such a wonderful tour stop AND for the awesome whistle, I LOVE it. :-)

    1. You're welcome although I would have taken those pictures anyways. I think there were close to 1000 pictures in my camera once the trip was over, and it was only 5 days...
      I am glad you liked your whistle, I loved both keychains and when I saw them I immediately thought that they would be great for the tour :)

  3. Love this post! Really cool to go through it and look at all the pictures.

    And thanks for hosting the giveaway!

    Bookluvrs Haven

  4. I actually live in Rome, I'm so glad you liked it :)

    1. Like it? I love it!!! Really, it was love at first sight and we walked so much that I think I might know the streets better than the ones at my hometown. I would love to live there...It's so dreamy and the coffee is so cheap.

  5. I'm not entering as I'm part of the tour, but I just wanted to say awesome post :) I would love to see Italy one day :)

  6. Fun post about Italy!!

  7. thx 4 the giveaway....
    anyway..nice pics....never go to italy...did u find many handsome men ther ? i envy u... *lol*

  8. Love the keychain! :))
