Feb 18, 2015

Book Blitz: Love Bites by Rachel K. Burke & GIVEAWAY

Love Bites
Release Date: 12/29/15
Harper Impulse
New Adult
225 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
What do you do when you fall in love with your best friend’s boyfriend?

That is the question that twenty-six year-old Justine Sterling has been asking herself ever since the day she met David Whitman, her best friend Renee’s boyfriend. Justine is determined to ignore her growing feelings for the irresistibly charming David, until one night, when she finds herself in the bed of the one person she should stay away from.

When Justine and David’s affair ends in heartbreak, Justine is forced to repair the damaged friendship with her best friend. In doing so, she learns that right and wrong decisions aren’t always black and white, and sometimes you have to follow your heart to see where it leads.

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Two months after Renee left, David and I moved in together. I know, I know. It was a stupid decision. But when it comes to love, there are no stupid decisions. Only impulsive ones that seem to make sense at the time. Which later turn out to be those “life lessons” you always hear about, AKA the things you would never, ever make the same mistake of doing again.
Basically, it boiled down to four deciding factors:
1.) I couldn’t afford the rent alone.
2.) The thought of living with a stranger was petrifying.
3.) Renee hadn’t returned any of my phone calls in the past two months, thus I took this as a final termination of our friendship.
4.) I was so pathetically in love with David that I would’ve agreed to anything that increased our time together.
Sadly, over the past two months, we had become one of “those” couples. You know the type. The “no, you hang up first” couples. The “no, I love you more” couples. The couples that, when forced apart, spend every second whispering into their cell phones or giggling at their text messages or anxiously typing away on their instant messenger with a perma-grin glued to their faces.
So, naturally, when David came up with the brilliant plan that I should move in with him, I agreed.
At first, it was bliss. Granted, I missed Renee like crazy and still felt terrible about what I’d done, but David had me so brainwashed that we were these crazy cosmic soul mates that after a while, it was like he had replaced Renee. He had become my other half. My whole life. My everything.
What I didn’t realize was that, when two people dive into a relationship head first, eventually, someone has to come up for air.


About the Author
Rachel discovered she wanted to be a writer at the age of ten, when her love of R.L. Stine murder mystery novels inspired her to start writing her own.
In 2008, Rachel combined her love of writing and music and began freelancing for a music column in Worcester Magazine. She also worked as a music journalist for Starpulse News Entertainment and Jamsbio Magazine, as well as a fitness journalist for Prevention Magazine.
Rachel graduated from Bridgewater University in 2011 with a B.A. in Communications and Media Studies.

She currently resides in Santa Monica, CA.

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1 comment:

  1. this looks and sounds fantastic! Thanks for sharing :)
