Nov 30, 2012

Tirade (Heven and Hell #3) by Cambria Hebert

I was given a copy of this book for review.

Tirade is the third book in the Heven and Hell series and it is even more amazing than the other two books. Cambria Hebert has a special way of making you feel connected with her characters and the world they live in.

In this book we get to travel to Hell and back again, in order for Heven to save Sam. I loved the way Heven got to grew on her own, while Sam was kept captive. Without letting her scars decide who she is supposed to be any more she was one of my favorite characters. Strong, brave and caring.

I also loved all the more scenes of Cole and Gemma. They are one of my favorite couples of the book and we even got to see some of their privete moments through Heven's new power. Another character we were introduced to from the very beginning of this book was Riley. He is the perfect bad boy. He is all tough on the outside but has a really big heart. I truly loved him. Even more than Sam...

Finally, this book was the most action-paced of the series. From the very beginning till the end I was kept on the edge of my seat. There were so many things going on that there was not a single dull moment. I can't wait for the next book.

Tirade Release Day Party + Giveaway

Like the huge Heven and Hell fan I am, I couldn't be more excited to be part of the Release Day Party. Today the third book in the series is finally out for every one to read. But let's see first what this one is all about.

Tirade (Heven and Hell, #3)
by Cambria Hebert

Betrayal burns. Death hurts and the clock ticks…

Minutes and hours stretch into days. How long can Sam survive being confined in Hell? I have a plan… a plan with a lot of holes. I need someone who can make up for my weaknesses, someone who possesses the power that I lack. Riley is supposed to be off limits. He’s dangerous, he’s mean and he’s not to be trusted. But I do.

Beelzebub is on a tirade, bent on revenge. I took what he wants and sent him into the flames. I will wear the scars of his punishments forever. But scars don’t scare me anymore.

On my way to free Sam I find my true path, a secret place and new allies. But in Hell nothing is easy… and everything is cruel. The only thing left to do is survive.

Book Trailer:

Purchase Links:

Ok, so I was supposed to review this one today, and I will... but later on the day. Maybe I a few hours when I get back from school. 
For now I will link you to 3 of my favorite reviews so far.
I'll post another link to my review once it's up.
My Review is up!

(US only)
For more giveaways by Cambria go here.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Heven and Hell Series:

Nov 29, 2012

Happy 23 Giveaway

Hello guys. It's this time of the year again. Yes, it's my birthday and what better way to celebrate than a Giveaway. Since it's early in the morning and I have to leave for my classes this is going to be very short and to the point.

What you can win:
10$ Amazon Giftcard or $10 on the BookDepository

Open internationaly.
Will run for one week.

Good Luck

Nov 27, 2012

Tell Me Something Tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by author Cambria Hebert. Every week she posts a question and we have to answer it.

This week's question:
What have been your favorite reads of 2012?

My answer:
For this I need to check my goodreads page to see what I read this year...
These are all my 5 star books that I read this year.
Now if I had to make a top 5, with no specific order...well I couldn't. I loved all of these books. And I am looking forward for the sequels to most of them :)

Nov 25, 2012

Charade Read Along Week Four

Chapters 21-24

1. Did you have a favorite part in this book?
I think that every single thing that happened in Rome was my favorite part of this book. Starting reading Charade I couldn't wait for the characters to go to Rome. I still wish it happened earlier and lasted longer.

2. The characters travel to hell in hopes to get the scroll back. I would say hell is the worst place they have ever been. Where is the WORST place you have ever been?
Hmmm...that's a very interesting question and one I would have to think for a while, since I never considered it. I honestly can't thing of anything. I mostly remember the places I enjoyed. And growing up I loved every place I found myself at.

3. Heven steps in front of a chain to protect Sam and is injured. She will be scarred again. Do you think she will act the same way as before or do you think that she is a different person now?
I never wanted Heven to lose her scares in the first place, I knew that she should wear them with pride after she managed to look past them and find out who she truly was, so I can say that I liked the fact that Cambria scarred her once again. I am sure this time she is going to live up to my expectations and won't hide herself.

4. We now know why Logan was acting so odd. How do you think he will be now that the demon is gone?
I am currently reading Tirade so I know how he is going to be, but while I was reading Charade I thought he'd be broken after a demon used his body like that, I wasn't that far off. Maybe he was a bit stronger than I thought.

5. Any predictions for the next book in the series, Tirade? 
HA! I need to go back to reading this one. I am only at the first half of the book. But, for the things I still haven't read, I believe that Heven is going to save Sam after all and that Gemma and Cole will get closer and closer. And for some reason I still fear (ever since the first book) that Heven's grandmother will die. Don't know when, but I have a feeling it's coming.

Link up your answers for this week's questions and get ready for next week's Friday post by Cambria. She is going to announce the giveaway winners announced and there's going to be a celebration for the release of Tirade, the next book in the series.
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Unpack This (Graduation Version)

Unpack This is a meme I started instead of my usual IMM. It was inspired by my love to open boxes, yes I love doing that.

I haven't posted any new hauls the past couple of weeks and there was a great reason about it. My Uni graduation was last Friday and I was trying to finish all my studying before my friends and parents arrived on that week's Monday. So I spent the first week studying and the next week living in a one-bedroom apartment with four more people. It was a crazy two-weeks but I managed to survive and graduate Uni. Some of you might be wondering what studying was left for me to do since I was about to graduate... At the beginning of this semester I got accepted at the post-graduate program of my Uni so now I am continuing my studies in computer science. But that's enought about me. Let's talk books. Here's what I got the past three weeks.


Physical Books:

Ok, so since I think it's going to take forever to talk about each book, I am just going to mention some of them. 

Tirade: I am currently reading this one and it doesn't disappoint so far. I love this series. You might want to check it too if you haven't. The first two books are on sale right now on Amazon and the prequel is free.
The Name of the Wind: I am a huge fan of epic fantasy books and I heard some amazing things about this series from splashofourworlds so I can't wait to read it.
Mice: Yet another book that does not fall under what I usually read but I was convinced to get it after a review I read at booksbiscuitsandtea.

I really wanted all these books so I am really glad to finally get them. 

What did you Unpack this Week?

Nov 20, 2012

Finders Keepers (Gifted #4) by Marilyn Kaye

The Gifted group is back once more. In the fourth book of the series we get to see through Ken's eyes. Ken has the abiblity to talk to dead people. He keeps thinking that his gift is nothing special, nothing that the bad guys who attacked many of his gifted classmates would want. So, when the opportunity to help a poor boy in a seanse arrives he gets to see that maybe his gift can do some good after all.

This book was really good. Ken's story was finally brought to ligth. His accident and his painful and tragic past and finally how he became aware of his gift. He was a decent character to get to know. Although once again my favourite part of the story was Amanda's part in it. I am really glad that even though we got to know her really well in the first book she is still a very interesting character to be around.

The story had the usual pattern that the Gifted books have. Some bad guys try to use the kids and their powers for their own purposes, but just like the previous book there is more to them. They are all working together and there is a bigger plan that we still don't know anything about.

I can't wait to see what will happen next and what this big bad plan is.

Charade Read along Week Three

Questions for Week Three Chapters 14-20

1. In these chapters the characters go to Italy. Where is one place you would like to travel that you haven’t been?
I always wanted to go to Rome and managed to do so earlier this year, so now the place I am dying to visit is Japan. I really want to experience the Japanese ways.

2. Where is your favorite place that you have traveled to?
Rome! It's so amazing.

3. Kimber betrays Heven in these chapters. Do you think that Heven should get even or just write Kimber off? What would you do?
This is a really hard one. I have only one friend that I had totally writen off and that was after a lot of stuff happened. So I don't know if Heven should write Kimber off and I am not even sure if she is the type of person to do so. I honestly don't know what my decision would be.

4. Gemma and Cole seem to be attracted to each other but don’t really want to admit it. Have you ever had a crush you never told anyone about?
I usually keep them a secret the first few days so that I can be sure myself but then I always tell someone. I need to tell someone so that I can comment about it every now and then.

5. Who is your favorite character in this series so far and why?
I started being a huge fan of Sam. I loved him in Masquerade. But I loved Heven in this book. She has grown so much and became pretty awesome. Another character I really like is Gemma, I can't wait to she her kick some more butt. I am so glad I'm starting Tirade tomorrow so that I can meet even more cool characters.

Nov 12, 2012

Charade Read along Week Two

Questions for Week Two Chapters 7-13

1. Heven’s mom has a new boyfriend that Heven doesn’t really like. Have you ever disliked a boyfriend/girlfriend of family member’s significant other? Did you tell them or just try to get along?

Usually I don't like my brothers girlfriends, but even if I voice my opinion he doesn't really care. So I don't really bother.

2. Kimber is acting weird… weirder than usual. Any predictions? Have you ever known anyone like Kimber?

I know! I know! Read Bewitched! Seriously... I don't think I've ever known anyone like Kimber. I try to stay clear of people like her.

3. Heven is getting a new “supernatural” power. If you could have one which would you choose?

I answered this again in the first read-a-thon. I love fire power, so to be able to create and use fire as I want would be really cool. :)

4. In this set of chapters we find out something about Cole. Were you surprised?

Yeap! Totally surprised. I mean you could tell that there was something going on, but no idea what exactly it was.

5. Heven has someone invading her dreams. What is the scariest or wackiest dream you have ever had?

God!!! There are so many! I usually see that someone is after me to kill me but that doen't really make the dream bad, just exciting, since they never catch me. But I had my share of bad dreams I just can't remember any right now.

Nov 6, 2012

Tell Me Somthing Tuesday

Yeap! You guessed right. Tell Me Something Tuesday is back! I really enjoy this meme created by Cambria Hebert, author of the amazing Heven and Hell series. Yes, I am trying to persuade you to give these books a try. But trust me they are worth it. Anyways, back to the meme.

This week's question:
What have you read while we were on haitus? If you haven’t read anything what do you plan to read?

My answer:
I had to visit my goodreads read shelf for that, cause I have no idea what books I read during October. These are all the books I read last month:
I loved TEN and the first book in the Chain Letter Duology. All the other books got 4 stars except for Forged by Greed which got only 2. So, all in all it was a great month. As you can see I tried to keep it as Halloween-ish as possible.

Currently I am reading:
Both so far are really good and I can't wait to read more and learn more of the story.

Finally here are some books I want to read real soon. Hopefully this month.

The first three are books I've heard great things about and can't wait to read and form my own opinion. The last one is a hint for Cambria. I am ready. Send me the ARC!!! :D

Nov 5, 2012

Interview & Giveaway: The Super Spud Trilogy by Michael Diack

Today I am welcoming Michael Diack, the author of the Super Spud Trilogy.

Hi, my name is Michael Diack and I’m 26. I studied geology at the
University of Manchester and, after graduating, I was lucky to find a
job in Oman working for a geophysical company. I enjoy table tennis,
music, films, football, sailing and writing about magical potatoes
with a taste for adventure and humour. I’m also a proud geek and I
enjoy computer games and playing a four hour game of Risk with my
friends. I always wanted to be a volcanologist, like Pierce Brosnan
in Dante’s Peak, but I enjoy my current job and lifestyle. I released
my debut novel back in April 2012 as a paperback and e-book for

The Book Review
Super Spuds are genetically modified potato chips that were created to provide the most flavour. But once a Super Spud expires something amazing happens, they take on a life of their own. There are cities filled with them, they have sports tournaments, even wars. The only rules: Don't let the humans see you and don't open the package in any way. Any violation of those rules means instand death.

The world that Michael Diack created was one weird, funny and unique place to spend my days while reading the Super Spud Trilogy. Through our journey we get to meet so many Super Spuds that I can't even begin to mention them. I loved that depending on the flavour every Super Spud had a different personality. And I also loved the world building. The Super Spud cities, the tournaments, the races, the traveling, the wars, everyhting. It was very well structured.

What kind of made me tired were all the deaths. I don't want to spoil anything but some of them...well let's just say, I hoped would not happen. And decause of all those deaths we don't get to meet all the Super Spuds that much, before you know it they are dead. Never to be thought of again.

Anyways, still this book was really well writen and it felt like a thousand short weird stories and not really a trilogy. Each chapter is like a story by itself, but still there is the bigger picture at the background. And don't be dubious about reading the stories of potato chips, after a few chapters you are going to think of them as people, weird and unique people, but people nonetheless.

The Interview

1. Why did you first start writing? 
I started writing properly during university, I think sitting through hours of lectures on rocks and minerals triggered my brain into writing fantasy stories as a way to prevent me becoming bored to death. Now I write because it is the best form of escape for me, nothing is better than sitting on my sofa, listening to rock music, drinking a beer and writing. I could write for hours and hours and never get bored.

2. What is the Super Spud trilogy about?
The book, three adventures in one, is about magical, genetically engineered potatoes called Super Spuds. Once placed in the foil crisp packet, if the Super Spud isn’t opened and eaten by its use-by date then it grows arms and legs and is free to live forever, in secret, away from humans. The personality of the Super Spud is determined by the chemical ingredients of the flavouring sprinkled over the Super Spud in the factory. So tuna flavours, enriched with omega-3’brainfood’, are super smart while steak and spinach have a high protein/iron content and become very strong and tough. There are lots of unconventional and conventional flavours, making for a whole range of unique and memorable personalities. The story is pretty much a non-stop adventure around the world and references many popular films and their characters that I idolized growing up, such as James Bond, Flash Gordon and Jack Bauer.

3. Why potato chips? What makes them so special that you had to create a whole world where they came to life? What sparked your idea of Super Spud? 
The irony is I don’t even eat crisps all that often. I prefer Haribo sweets and gorging on chocolate or ice cream! It came about after I remembered a short story I had written at primary school: Colin and Lucy are crisp packets who come to life after their use-by date and try to find the rubbish tip. The first chapter of the novel is pretty much this short story I once wrote, except my primary school story had a more romantic ending. I think with crisp packets, more than other junk food, there is a lot of room for diversity with the flavours and I think this is the underlying strength of the concept.

4. What Super Spud flavor is your favourite and why? 
I think steak and spinach flavour are my favourite and this flavour features quite heavily in the book. They are just so much fun to write about as they are the ultimate heroes and rigorously compete to outperform one another. I also like the blueberry flavours, as each of them takes on a unique character from human film or television, so they are always fun to write dialogue for. To be honest, it’s always great to write about the Super Spuds as it is just light hearted and a great escape from the real world.

5. Reading the Super Spud Trilogy someone can travel from one part of the world to the other and engage in many adventures, what was your favourite part of the story? 
The Super Spuds use our postal service to secretly get around, which gives me a lot of room to play with as a writer. I think one of my favourite parts was writing about their trip to save Santa at the North Pole. I love Christmas time and it was great imagining all the Super Spuds having their own little Christmas celebration. I also enjoyed the Italy chapter and making a tribute to The X Files and Spartacus.

6. What should we expect from you in the future? Are there any more projects under construction? 
I will be releasing the fourth book in the next few months. It focuses on four main characters: King Martin, G-Boa, Kate and General Nectarine and sees them travelling to China, sailing the Pacific, meeting the US President, flying on Air Spud One and encountering pirates, zombies and their most evil Super Spud to date. There are also a host of new flavours to add depth to the story and even a trip to the moon by Astrospuds Neil and Buzz. The story will be fast-paced and lots of fun, but more emphasis on character dialogue, plotline and developing the Super Spud world as a whole. The main difference with this book is a lot of the action takes place at sea, involving two flavours we didn’t see much of in the first three books – the sea salt flavours and Fisherman’s Friend flavours. After the Super Spuds, I think I’d like to write a fantasy series set in the desert.

Links to the book:

Links to Michael:

The Giveaway
Michael is offering a signed copy of The SuperSpud Trilogy
a Rafflecopter giveaway